Thursday, November 8, 2007


Here is almost everything to know about the 1950's!


it was blue jeans for the boys and poodle skirts for the girls. Girls loved to wear their hair in pony tails and the guys either had flat tops or crew cuts. Saddle shoes and blue suede loafers were worn. The guys all wanted to be like James Dean, he created a "fashion with attitude". They dressed like him, wore their hair like him, they all just wanted to be like him and all the girls wanted to marry him.


some of the popular things in the 50's were hula hoops, hopalong Cassidy guns and western gear, and silly putty.

Books & Literature:

Most of the books published at this time were influenced by the wars that had happend and the wars that were still going on. The authors used the books that they wrote to get their opinions out about the wars. Science Fiction became real popular at this time, the main idea that people who wrote since fiction novels love to write about space travel.

Television & Radio:

In the 1950's Television became the dominat mass media. People started believeing everything they heard on TV.

In 1951, scientist deveolped the coaxail cable and microwave relays coast to coast. In 1954, Color broadcasting started happening.

Some popluar sitcomes at this time were: I Love Lucy, Honeymooners, Lassie, and Father Knows Best.

Art & Architecture:

There was a new look that started in the Art and Architecture world after World War II happened. Abstract Expressionism started. In the 50's a boom in consumerism happened in housing. People could afford sing family dwellings and suburbia was born.


The education went through a lot of changes at this time. The law of separte but equal happened which was educational oppertunites for black children had been determined to be the correct method to insure that all children in America recieved an adequate and equal education in the public schools of the nation. In 1957, Elizabeth Eckford was the first black teenager to enter an all-white school at Little Rock Central High School, in Little Rock, Arkansas. Books at this time were being writen about black and whites were cauing one crisis too many!


Rock N Roll was very popluar! At this time, muscians were very experimental with trying to make the newest, coolest sound. Some famous artists were: Elvis Presley, Bill Haley, and Jerry Lee Lewis.

Events & Technology:

1950-President Harry Truman approves production of the hydrogen bomb.

1951-Transcontinental television begins with a speech by president Truman.

1953-1961-Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes president.

1953-Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are electrocuted for their part in W.W. II espionage.

1955-Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus

1956- Federal Highway Act is signed

1958-Explorer 1 successfully orbits the earth.

1959- Alaska and Hawaii become the 49th and 50th states.


people have been in love with sports since the 1950's! They started using the TV to follow the football or baseball games. At this time athletes were in a diverse group. Popluarity wsas not based on social status, but on the ablilty of the individual. Famous athletes included: Jackie Robinson, Henry (Hank) Aaron, Jaun Marichal, Frank Gifford. They also started the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.

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