Wednesday, October 31, 2007


here is what the life style was like in the 1970's!


The education in the 70's was greatly shaped by a series of events:

  • Anti-war movement

-alot of college and university students showed their opinion for it.

  • School Integration

-When schools integrated it carused alot of problems and put students behind in their education path.

  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act of 1975

-equal edxucation provided for the handicapped children.


As "Rock N Roll's" famous influences died or broke up along with them so did rock N roll. All different types of other "rockers" came out. Soft rock, country rock, folk rock, punk rock...and disco started. Some big bands that were popular in the 1970's were : Aerosmith, the Bee-gees, David Bowie,Alice Cooper, Ealges, Billy Joel, Elton John, Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, The Who,Carpenters, and Bob Marley

Events & Technology:

Things that were invented-Floppy disk, Microprocessor,Atari, VCR, Neutron Bomb, First test tube baby, genes were discovered, then genetic engineering was deveolped. Some events that happend-

  • April 22,1970- First Earth Day celebrated

  • May 4, 1970- 4 students killed when national guards fired during anti-war demonstration at Kent Starte (universtiy of Ohio)

  • June 28, 1970-First Gay Pride march

  • April 24,1971- Huge anti-war march in Washington D.C.

  • September 5, 1972- 19 killed in terroist siege at Muncich olympic Games.

  • August 9, 1974- Ford became the 38th president

  • March 28, 1979- Radioactive leak at three Mile Island Nuclear power plant


At this time the two big teams were the Cowboys and the Steelers. They were also a big rivalry! Prifessional athletes demanded a raise in money. Then endorsing became extremly popluar for professional athletes, which earned them more money.

Big Events:

  • Febuary 18, 1973- Stunt driver Evel Kinievel jumped across 50 cars stacked four deep in the Los Angeles Collesium.

  • April 8, 1974- Hank Arron hit his 715th home run and beat Babe Ruth's record.

  • Febuary 25, 1978- Kurt Thomas became the first american man to win a medal at the world gymnastics championship; taking first in the floor exercise.

Theater and Film:

Beacuse of how popluar TV beacme, movies were not so popluar, but they invinted panavistion and Dolby sound to advacne the move and a big come back of movies started. Some big movies at this time was Startwars, Rocky, Poseiden Adventures, Godfather, Grease, Saturday Night Fever.

Televesion & Radio:

TV became real popluar in the 70's. Nothing was private anymore. TV shows talked about everything , it didn't matter what the subject. some major shows were all in the family, Saturday Night live, Happy days, The Brady Bunch, and sesome street for the kids.

Books and Literature:

Many books were written in the 70's. They were written about "man's alienation from his spirtiual roots" (http"//

Fashion and Fads:

Fashion and fads were big in the 1970's. Some fads were going nude around places was the wildest fad, lots of poeple drove startion wagons and alomost everyone desired and hoped for an RV. Mood rings. Lava Lamps, Rubik's cube, sea monkeys, smile face stickers. The popular fashion was men had shoulder length hair, bellbottom pants, hop huggers, platforms shoes, earth shoes, Leisure surits for men and women's skirts went from really long to real short called micro-skirts.

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