Thursday, November 8, 2007

Elvis Presley!

Elvis Presley has influence and changed music since the day he started proforming. He caused a revolution. The way he sang and danced was very differnt and unique at the time,but before long people were using his moves and things. He was the main influence for music still today. He is like the Michael Jordan of Music! Thats why they called him "The King"!


"If you got it, why not flaunt it!"(this was a big saying in this decade)

Fashion: People dressed in the Opulent Clothing style. They were tank tops, tight fitting jeans or torn pants, and leg warmers. Michael Jackson and Madonna were the big influences of fashion at this time.

Fads: Team sports were real popluar. The term "soccer mom" came into play.Nerds became a hot commodity in the 1980's!

Books & Literature:

There were 13 books that sold over one million copies! Donald Trump wrote two books at this time called "Trump: Surviving at the top" and "Lacocca:an autobiography". Some Famous authors were:Tom Clancy, Frederick Forsyth, Martin Cruz, and Stephen King.

Television & Radio:

The sales of VCRs rose. By 1989, 60% of American households had cable. TV started having anti-family shows like Roseanne and married with children. Tabliod TV started with Geraldo, Phil, Sally, and Ophrah.

Theater & Film:

Broadway revivals were very important druing the 80's! Some big broadway plays were Westside Story, The King and I, Andrew Lloyd Webber's mega hit, Cats, The Phantom of the Ophera!

Art & Architecture:

the 80's were a huge decade for art, art museums, and artists. People bought art at record Van Gough's 'Sunflowers' sold for $39.9 million. Some famous artists were Jasper Johns, Keith Haring, Frank Stella. Some famous Architecure built in the 80's were The Trump Tower, High Museum in Atlanta, Union Station in Washington.


UCLA did a study and found out that college freshman were most interested in their status, power and money. Business Management was the most popular major. People started showing their disapproval to the rising student costs and how they were against budget cuts.


MTV started, CDs were invented, people were learning how to dance from MTV. They were learning dance moves such as slam dancing, Lambada, and Break dancing. Then 'Vogueing' became real popluar! Pop, Rock, New wave, punk, country, and rap or hip hop were real popluar! Some important groups were Milli Vanilli, M.C. Hammer, Vanilla Ice, and L.L. Cool J.

Events & Technology:

Science/ Tech. made large strides in the 80's. Personal computers were bing used in homes, offices, and schools. Columbia was launched in 1981, the Challenger exploded 74 seconds after lift off and killed 7 astronauts and 1 school teacher. Major Advancements in genetic research in 1988's happened. They found out that there is 80,000 genes contained in human DNA. Wayne Williams was arrested for the murder of 23 black children. Sandra Day O'conner became the first woman in the supreme court justice. Sex revolution encountered major adversity when Rock Hudson died of Aids in 1985.


Here is some information on the 1990's!

Fashion & Fads:

for fashion the grunge look was very in and just now started beginning. Boys pants started getting real long, big, and baggy! Casual Fridays started in most work places. Microfiber and tencel was put into a lot more clothes!

and for fads Tae-bo was in so was in-line skating, beanie babies, furbies, the phrase WWJD, yo-yo's, tattoos, and body piercings.

Books & Literature:

Audio books started becoming real popular. Listening to books in the car was real cool! Buying your books online started happening, people were buying their books with The book store Half Price Books became real popluar!! Some famous books writen at this time wereL Holes by Louis Sachar, Out Of the Dust by Karen Hesse, Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding hood story from China by Ed Young.

Television & Radio:

Tv was watched all the time now by families. people spent atleast 7 hours a day watching it. the 10 most popluar shows were: Cheers, 60 minutes, Home Improvement, Seinfeld, E.R., Touched by an Angel, Friends, Veronica's closet, NFL Monday Night Football, and Fraiser.

Theater & Film:

Revivals were big hits on Broadway and around the country. Muscials started to be real popluar around the world. Academy Award Winning Movies were: 1990- Dances with Wolves, 1991-Silence of the Lambs, 1994-Forrest Gump, 1995-Braveheart.

Art & Architecture:

Health care and Elder care homes were big business for builders/architects. Architecture was growing along the coastline from Florida to Louisiana. Internet had a big influence on the Art and Architecture. Feng Shui was in. Martha Stewart became popluar.


40% in the 1960's completed all four years of school and in 1999, 83.5% completed! Students didn't have to actually attend class, but could still do their work online because of Distance Eduaciton Programs. Schools started making kids wear uniforms. Online classes were being offered. There were some issues in Education they were: Distance education, year round school, dual or con current credit, school-to-work and tech. prep!


Music was growing rapidly. There were many chioces of music to choose from and new artists were beginning. Country music became more mainstream, and grunge and gansta appeard. R&B and hip-hop remained popluar. One group that became famous was the Spice Girls because of their diversity and sex appeal!


Sadam Husien invaded Kuwat and caused the Gulf War. Some big issues were health care, social security, reform and gun control. Violence was an everyday thing. O.J. Simpson was triled for killing his ex wife. In 1993, Terrorism was brought into America when a bomb went off beneath the world trade center. From Febuary 1996 to April of 1999, there were sixteen shootings at different schools!


Here is almost everything to know about the 1950's!


it was blue jeans for the boys and poodle skirts for the girls. Girls loved to wear their hair in pony tails and the guys either had flat tops or crew cuts. Saddle shoes and blue suede loafers were worn. The guys all wanted to be like James Dean, he created a "fashion with attitude". They dressed like him, wore their hair like him, they all just wanted to be like him and all the girls wanted to marry him.


some of the popular things in the 50's were hula hoops, hopalong Cassidy guns and western gear, and silly putty.

Books & Literature:

Most of the books published at this time were influenced by the wars that had happend and the wars that were still going on. The authors used the books that they wrote to get their opinions out about the wars. Science Fiction became real popular at this time, the main idea that people who wrote since fiction novels love to write about space travel.

Television & Radio:

In the 1950's Television became the dominat mass media. People started believeing everything they heard on TV.

In 1951, scientist deveolped the coaxail cable and microwave relays coast to coast. In 1954, Color broadcasting started happening.

Some popluar sitcomes at this time were: I Love Lucy, Honeymooners, Lassie, and Father Knows Best.

Art & Architecture:

There was a new look that started in the Art and Architecture world after World War II happened. Abstract Expressionism started. In the 50's a boom in consumerism happened in housing. People could afford sing family dwellings and suburbia was born.


The education went through a lot of changes at this time. The law of separte but equal happened which was educational oppertunites for black children had been determined to be the correct method to insure that all children in America recieved an adequate and equal education in the public schools of the nation. In 1957, Elizabeth Eckford was the first black teenager to enter an all-white school at Little Rock Central High School, in Little Rock, Arkansas. Books at this time were being writen about black and whites were cauing one crisis too many!


Rock N Roll was very popluar! At this time, muscians were very experimental with trying to make the newest, coolest sound. Some famous artists were: Elvis Presley, Bill Haley, and Jerry Lee Lewis.

Events & Technology:

1950-President Harry Truman approves production of the hydrogen bomb.

1951-Transcontinental television begins with a speech by president Truman.

1953-1961-Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes president.

1953-Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are electrocuted for their part in W.W. II espionage.

1955-Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus

1956- Federal Highway Act is signed

1958-Explorer 1 successfully orbits the earth.

1959- Alaska and Hawaii become the 49th and 50th states.


people have been in love with sports since the 1950's! They started using the TV to follow the football or baseball games. At this time athletes were in a diverse group. Popluarity wsas not based on social status, but on the ablilty of the individual. Famous athletes included: Jackie Robinson, Henry (Hank) Aaron, Jaun Marichal, Frank Gifford. They also started the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.